Items where Author is "Prihantoro, Prihantoro"

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Number of items: 35.

sukraina, isna and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Gusmuliana, Paidi (2025) The effect of using free writing technique on students’ writing ability in writing recount text. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN)Curup.

Hidayah, Anisah Nur and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Edy, Sarwo (2025) The Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Strategy as A Learning Strategy in Critical Reading. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Pratama, Megi Ari and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2025) Exploring The Usage of Text Processing Artificial Intelligence in Writing Thesis Background. Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Anshori, Sakut and Junita, Putri (2025) Self-Regulated Learning Strategies In Literal Reading Course (A Qualitative Descriptive Study). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Cantika Putri, Driva and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2025) “Students’ Independent Learning Processes of English Skills: Viewed From Time Expense, Material Input and Self-Evaluation. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Sihara, Elfa and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Fauziah, Meli (2024) The Effect of Clustering Techniques Towards Students' Descriptive Writing Ability. Sarjana thesis, Institute Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Septi Ariski Pajar Antika, Septi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2024) The Process Of Designing English Learning Module In Curriculum Merdeka At Smk Negeri 2 Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, INTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Yanti, Popi Pedri and Gusmuliana, Paidi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2024) The Use Of Mini Vlog Videos In Project Based Learning On Students Speaking Skill. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Sari, Suci Permata and Utami, Henny septia and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2024) An Analysis Of Teacher’s Gestures In Facilitating Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Smp N 1 Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Anshori, Sakut and Pane, Sanusi (2024) Exploring Student’s Willingness To Communicate In English Zone At English Tadris Study Program Iain Curup. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Nadia, Vicha and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Noviyenty, Leffi (2024) Correlation Between English Morphological Awareness and English Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Aini, Rizki Nurul and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Utami, Henny septia (2024) English Camp: An Overview Of Experiences, Benefits, And Challenges. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Ismail, Ismail and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and sarwo, Idi (2024) The Role Of English Drama In Improving Students Speaking Skills: Students’ Voice. Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Surwati, Merina and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Anshori, Sakut (2024) Analysis of Students' Morphological Awareness in the Learning of English Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Salsabilla, Nesa and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Fauziah, Meli (2024) The Effect Of Using Flipped Classroom Strategy Mediated By Learning Management System On Students Reading Comprehension (A Quantitative Study in SMAN 2 Rejang Lebong). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Hidayati, Ummi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and sarwo, Edy (2024) Understanding The Merdeka Curriculum: Perspective Pre-Service Teachers'. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Ramadhan Putra, Yongki and Anshori, Sakut and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2024) Causes and Implications of Language Confusion Errors in Students Simultaneous Interpretation. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup.

Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Gusmuliana, Paidi and Indriani, Riski (2024) The effect of using ome tv in explicit instruction Learning model on students’ listening skill (study quasy experimental on tenth grade sman 8 rejang lebong). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Azmita, Elzi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2023) Teachers’ Understanding of Merdeka Curriculum for Learning And Teaching English At Junior High School At Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Mizela, Dhea and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2023) The assesment of english language teaching in merdeka curriculum at junior high school at Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Heryani, Rita and Suhermanto, Hadi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2023) The Implementation of Summative Assessment English Learning Teaching in An Internship Program. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Fitria, Azlina and Utami, Henny septia and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2022) The Implementation Of Graded Readers On Teaching Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Hanif, Nabila Khairunisa and Gusmuliana, Paidi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2022) The Strategies Used in Teaching Speaking at SMA Negeri 3 Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Nurhakiki, Nurhakiki and Gusmuliana, Paidi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2022) EFL Lecturers’ Attitude towards Local Accented English at IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Agustina, Amallia and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Gusmuliana, Paidi (2022) “The Correlation Between Students’ Self-Regulated Learning and Their Speaking Skill” (A Correlational Study at English Tadris Program of IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.

Segara, Bayu and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2022) The Effect of Ict on Students’ Creativity in Learning English (Experimental Study in the Seven Grade ff SMPN 17 Rejang Lebong). Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.

Sepritawati, Eka and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2022) Students’ Self-efficacy and Their English Speaking Skills (A Correlational Study at English Tadris Program of IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.

Kusumawati, Citra and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Gusmuliana, Paidi (2022) Students’ and Lecturers’ problems in online learning speaking class (Qualitative Research). Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.

Febriani, Annisa and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Hidayah, Jumatul (2021) English Teaching Through Online Media During Pandemic Covid-19: Students’ Voice. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Erni, Detika and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Apriani, Eka (2021) The Implementation of English Immersion Program in Teaching Speaking in Future English Education Center (Feec) Pare. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Santia, Jeni and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Gusmuliana, Paidi (2021) Psychological Factors Affecting Bachelor Students’ Difficulties in Writing Thesis (A Mixed - Method Research of English Students of Iain Curup in Academic Year of 2020/2021). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Arwenti, Selpi and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Edy, Sarwo (2021) Students Learning Strategies In Listening Class (A Study Of Extrovert And Introvert Students). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Fransiska, Dwi Utari and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Utami, Henny septia (2020) English Department Students' Attitude on Speaking Activity in English Zone Program. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Anggraini, Febbry and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Edy, Sarwo (2020) Students' Reluctance to Speak English (A Case Study at Speaking Classes in the English Study Program of IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Azizah, Azizah and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Utami, Henny septia (2020) Students’ Ability and Problems to Answer The Questions of Reading Comprehension (A Study at Reading 4 in English Study Program of IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

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