Items where Author is "Utami, Henny septia"

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Muslimah, Rika and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2025) Teachers’ Process in Developing HOTS Test to Assess Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam (IAIN) Curup.

Sari, Suci Permata and Utami, Henny septia and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2024) An Analysis Of Teacher’s Gestures In Facilitating Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Smp N 1 Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Aini, Rizki Nurul and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Utami, Henny septia (2024) English Camp: An Overview Of Experiences, Benefits, And Challenges. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Rizki, Kurnia Sri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2024) Techniques Used In Translating Grammatical Collocation In Elemental: Forces Of Nature Movie. Sarjana thesis, Institusi Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Janeri, Mikael and Utami, Henny septia and Edy, Sarwo (2024) Students' Problems, Challanges, and Expectations in Taking TOEFL. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Gusmuliana, Paidi and Utami, Henny septia and Atika, Melinda (2024) “Students' Perception of English Club Extracurricular Activities in Learning English" (A Descriptive Study Of Junior High School in Rejang Lebong and Lebong District). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Aini, Ridho and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2023) The Effect Of Role Play On Student Speaking Skill ( An Experiment Research At The Eighth Grade Of Students SMPN 1 Rejang Lebong). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

irawan, alan and Utami, Henny septia and Hidayah, Jumatul (2023) The Effect Of Using Mistake Buster Technique Toward Students’ Grammar Mastery ( An Experimental Research at Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 5 Rejang Lebong in Academic Year of 2022/2023). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Tiara, Tiara and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2023) The errors of english verb phrase in time to write on facebook. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Oktavian, Magi and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2023) The Effect Of Youtube Learning Channel As A Learning Media On Listening Skill. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Krisdayanti, Afriza and Apriani, Eka and Utami, Henny septia (2023) The Correlation Between Growth Mindset And Students Creativity In Academic Writing (A Correlational Study at The Third Semester of English Tadris Study Program in IAIN Curup on the Academic Year 2021/2022). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Veronica Sari, Azah and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2023) Introvert And Extrovert Tbi Studens’ Learning Strategies Of Speaking Skills. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Nengsih, Wido Wiwit and Suhermanto, Hadi and Utami, Henny septia (2023) Investigatng Efl Students Morphological Knowledge at TBI IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Utami Wahyu, Eka Ade and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2023) Self-Regulated Learning In Students’ Thesis Writing Process. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Lestari tri, Aprilianti and Edy, Sarwo and Utami, Henny septia (2023) Student Views on The Use Of Paraphrasing Tools to Avoid Plagiarism In Writing Thesis. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Utami, Sherly Kiki and Apriani, Eka and Utami, Henny septia (2023) Pronunciation Error Made By Students Of English Study Program Iain Curup From Different Ethnicity (A Mixed Method of English Study Programme Fourth Semester at IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, Insitut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

hanum, ulva and Utami, Henny septia and Suhermanto, Hadi (2023) investigating Students' Attitudes toward hybrid learning during covid19 in litreal listening subject. Sarjana thesis, Institute Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Paramitha, Novi agnes and Noviyenty, Leffy and Utami, Henny septia (2022) Analysis of English Subject Test on Non-English study program at IAIN CURUP. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Fitria, Azlina and Utami, Henny septia and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2022) The Implementation Of Graded Readers On Teaching Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Hariadi, Pajri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2021) The factors of student’s of communication apprehension in English tadris study program. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Sari, Silvi Permata and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2021) Students Perceptions of Code Switchimg Used by English Lecturer. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Hariadi, Pajri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2021) The Factors Of Student’s Communication Apprehension in English Tadris Study Program. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Nofita, Diana and Suhermanto, Hadi and Utami, Henny septia (2021) The Use of Gadget in Second Language Acquisition (A Case Study of A Ten Year Old Kid). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Utami, Ade gusrianti and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2020) “The Correlation Between Students’ Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation With English Achievement” (A Study at 8th Grade Sekolah Kreatif SMP ‘Aisyiyah Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Fransiska, Dwi Utari and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Utami, Henny septia (2020) English Department Students' Attitude on Speaking Activity in English Zone Program. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Khamdani, Fahmi and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2020) The Role of Language Environment in Teaching English to English Learners (A Descriptive Study of Kampung Inggris Rejang Lebong Teacher in EFL Context). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Azizah, Azizah and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Utami, Henny septia (2020) Students’ Ability and Problems to Answer The Questions of Reading Comprehension (A Study at Reading 4 in English Study Program of IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Marlia, Anggi and Suhermanto, Hadi and Utami, Henny septia (2020) Students’ Attitude Towards Writing Diary in Writing Skill (An Analysis study at The Fourth Semester English Students in IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Winata, Joko Ahmad and Gusmuliana, Paidi and Utami, Henny septia (2020) The Students’ Interest in Learning English at Eight Grade of SMPN 1 Ujan Mas. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Herlina, Nana and Suhermanto, Hadi and Utami, Henny septia (2020) Students’ Perception Toward Lecturers’ Technique on Teaching Speaking at IAIN Curup (A Descriptive Study of English Study Program of IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Mujaddidah, Mutiara and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2020) Students’ Perception Towards Interaction Based on Flanders Interaction Analysis Categorize (Fiac) Theory Used By Teacher in English Subject (A Study at Eleventh Grade of MAN Rejang Lebong in Academic Year 2019-2020). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Nirwana, Novia Fransiska and Senjahari, Bayu and Utami, Henny septia (2020) The Implementation of Direct Method in Teaching English For Young Learners (TK Witri 1 Bengkulu). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Sari, Novita and Senjahari, Bayu and Utami, Henny septia (2020) The Effect of Video to Improve Student’ Vocanulary Mastery (An Experimental Research of The First Garde of SMPN 19 Rejang Lebong). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Nurlita, Siti and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2020) Gender Different in Relation to Students’ Motivation in Learning English at TBI IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Robin, Robin and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2019) Teaching Degrees of Comparison Through Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI) Method to The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri Maur. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Maryani, Kartika and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2019) An Analysis of Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English (A Descriptive Study of Second Grade Students at SMP Negeri 08 Lebong). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Naviri, Liza and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2019) English Study Program Efforts In Promoting Students English Speaking Skill (A descriptive Research at English Study Program in IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Agustin, Heli and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2019) An Analysis of Classroom Activities pursuant to Effective Techniques Teaching English in Integrated Vocational Schools. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Prasetiyo, Akas and Desfitranita, Desfitranita and Utami, Henny septia (2019) An Analysis of English Extracurricular in SMAN 04 Kepahiang (A Descriptive Qualitative Study at SMAN 04 Kepahiang). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Rizkan, Ahmad and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2019) An Analysis of “Mini Conference” Technique in Teaching Translation at IAIN Curup (Case Study of 8th Semester Students’ of English Education Programme Academic Year 2017). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Dija, Hayuni and Senjahari, Bayu and Utami, Henny septia (2019) The Benefit of Doing Research For English Fresh Graduate Students at IAIN Curup (A Qualitative Research of Eighth Semester Students Who had Conducted Research of English Study Program in IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Dharmawan, Kadek Agus and Desfitranita, Desfitranita and Utami, Henny septia (2018) An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties and Strategies in Answering TOEFL Reading Comprehension Section. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Mayaki, Meksike and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2018) Parallel Structure Errors Made By Students (Descriptive Quantitative Study on Eight Semester Student of English Department in Academic Year 2018 at IAIN Curup). Diploma thesis, IAIN CURUP.

Sari, Yesi Purnama and Hidayah, Jumatul and Utami, Henny septia (2018) Teachers’ Strategies for Ensuring Students Feel Challenged in Classroom Learning at SMAN 1 Rejang Lebong. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Alanda, Alpin and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2018) An Analysis of Translators' Problems and Strategies in Translating Movie Subtitle (a Descriptive Qualitative at the Eight Semester Students of English Department of STAIN Curup Academic year 2013/2014). Diploma thesis, IAIN Curup.

Syahfandi, M. Haviz Tio and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2018) Students’ Ability And Problems In Pronouncing English Fricative At Stain Curup; A Descriptive Quantitative research at the seventh Semester Students of English Departmet Study of STAIN Curup Academic Year 2016/2017. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

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