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Tri Novianti, Elsia and Noviyenty, Leffi and Septia Utami, Henny (2024) An analysis of english teaching methods to deaf students. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
Manangkalu, Sri and Gusmuliana, Paidi and Septia Utami, Henny (2024) The Psychological Factors on the Students' Difficulties in Speaking Skill at English Tadris Study Program IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
MIFTAH, FARID and Anshori, Sakut and Septia Utami, Henny (2024) Students’ Attitude Of Intensive Reading For Vocabulary Enhancement (A Study of Sixth Semester Student of TBI IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.
Seruni Wardani, Seruni and Apriani, Eka and Septia Utami, Henny (2024) Investigating Students’ Perception Of Reading English Weblog Towards Their 4c Skills (Reading Weblog and 4c skills : In Sight from a descriptive Research). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.
Lestari, Lestari and Gusmuliana, Paidi and Septia Utami, Henny (2023) The Effect Of Learning High Frequency Words By Using Quizlet Flash Card Online On Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
Rengganis, Dio Puri and Edy, Sarwo and Septia Utami, Henny (2023) The Effect Of Cake’s Online Application On Listening Skill (A Quasi Experimental Research At Smk Khoiru Ummah). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
meliania, suci and Edy, Sarwo and Septia Utami, Henny (2023) The Effect Of Concept Oriented Reading Instruction Toward Students’ Reading Comprehension (An Experimental Research On The Eight Grade Of Smp Aisyiyah “Sekolah Kreatif” Rejang Lebong). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
Dayang Sari, Silvi and Hidayah, Jumatul and Septia Utami, Henny (2023) Effect Of Using Nursery Rhymes With Shadowing Technique On Young Learners’ English Vocabularies (A Quasi-Experimental Study At Third Grade of SDIT Al-Husna Lebong). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
Savitri, Rani and Hidayah, Jumatul and Septia Utami, Henny (2023) Writing Activity To Enhance The Writing Skill In English Community (A Study at IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
Umami Maiza, Nadia and Noviyenty, Leffi and Septia Utami, Henny (2023) An Analysis Of Cultural Content Of English Textbooks Entitled Bahasa Dan Sastra Inggris For X Class Of Senior High School At Man 02 Kepahiang. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.
Anggun, Anggun and Apriani, Eka and Septia Utami, Henny (2022) The Correlation between EFL Students’ Metacognitive Knowledge and Their English Writing Skill at English Tadris Study Program IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.
Nanda Dwiwahyuni, Fratiwi and Apriani, Eka and Septia Utami, Henny (2022) The Correlation Between EFL Students’ Metacognitive Awareness and English Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.
Mardhiyya, Ainul and Septia Utami, Henny and Suhermanto, Hadi (2022) The Effect of English Song towards Students’ Motivation in Learning English. Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.
Anggraini, Dina and Apriani, Eka and Septia Utami, Henny (2022) Students’ Technological Knowledge on Academic Writing English Tadris Study Program at IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.
Putri Sundari, Anggun and Desfitranita, Desfitranita and Septia Utami, Henny (2022) Teachers' Problems in Designing Summative Test at (Senior High School Kepahiang). Sarjana thesis, IAIN CURUP.
Purwanti, Rinci Ega and Hidayah, Jumatul and Septia Utami, Henny (2021) Mechanical Errors of Writing in “Time to Write” on Facebook” (A Case Study Students of English Tadris Program at IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.