Items where Author is "Noviyenty, Leffi"

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Nurtiati, Betty and Noviyenty, Leffi and Fauziah, Meli (2025) The implementation of student-centered approach in teaching english for junior high school student in rejang lebong district. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negri Curup.

Tri Novianti, Elsia and Noviyenty, Leffi and Septia Utami, Henny (2024) An analysis of english teaching methods to deaf students. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

lestari, reka amelia and Harmi, Hendra and Noviyenty, Leffi (2024) Analisis Keterampilan 6C Peserta Didik dalam Mata Pelajaran PAI di SMA Negeri 3 Lebong. Masters thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Nadia, Vicha and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Noviyenty, Leffi (2024) Correlation Between English Morphological Awareness and English Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Puspitasari, Weni and Noviyenty, Leffi and Anshori, Sakut (2024) The Effect Of Online English Vocabulary Game Toward Learning English Vocabulary (A Quasi-experimental quantitative study the Tenth Grade Students at SMAN 01 Semende Darat Laut in academic year 2023/2024). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Reffalleo, Andrea and Noviyenty, Leffi and Hidayah, Jumatul (2024) Investigating The Use of Icebreaker Activity and Its Influence on Students’ Self-confidence in Speaking. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Rizki, Kurnia Sri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2024) Techniques Used In Translating Grammatical Collocation In Elemental: Forces Of Nature Movie. Sarjana thesis, Institusi Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Afta, Raflesia Era and Noviyenty, Leffi and Fauziah, Meli (2024) Reinforcement Models Used by Teacher with Different Gender in teaching English ( A study at SMPN 2 RL). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Afriya, Rosi and Noviyenty, Leffi and Fauziah, Meli (2024) Teacher Techniques In Teaching English For Special Need Students (A Study At Slb N 1 Kepahiang). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Puspitasari, Dela and Noviyenty, Leffi and Fauziah, Meli (2024) The effect of using Somebody Wanted But So (SWBS) Towards Students' reading comorehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Umami Maiza, Nadia and Noviyenty, Leffi and Septia Utami, Henny (2023) An Analysis Of Cultural Content Of English Textbooks Entitled Bahasa Dan Sastra Inggris For X Class Of Senior High School At Man 02 Kepahiang. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

jeniati, hezi and Sutarto, Sutarto and Noviyenty, Leffi (2023) Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam Di Madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah Kabupaten Kepahiang. Masters thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Saprudin, Saprudin and Noviyenty, Leffi and Edy, Sarwo (2022) The Effect of Task Based Language Teaching toward Students’ Speaking Ability. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Sumarza, Herley and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny Septia (2022) Efl Students’ and Teachers’ Perception on English Online Learning At Elementary School Uggulan Aisyiyah Taman Harapan Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Hariadi, Pajri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2021) The factors of student’s of communication apprehension in English tadris study program. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Rusna, Hazmiyatul and Noviyenty, Leffi and Suhermanto, Hadi (2021) A Study on Students’ Attitude Toward Speaking Online at English Study Program of Iain Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Sari, Silvi Permata and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2021) Students Perceptions of Code Switchimg Used by English Lecturer. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Sari, Silvi Permata and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny Septia (2021) Students Perceptions of Code Switching used by English Lecturer. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Putri, Rani Duwi and Noviyenty, Leffi and Apriani, Eka (2021) Students’ Perception of English Online Course (Ruang Guru). (A study of students’ in SMA 1 Rejang Lebong). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Lova, Nunit Venti and Noviyenty, Leffi and Gusmuliana, Paidi (2021) A Study of Teaching Styles Based on Lecturers' Gender in English Tadris Study Program at IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Rasidin, Retno Yuliarti and Noviyenty, Leffi and Suhermanto, Hadi (2021) The Effect of Inductive Learning Strategy to Improve Students’ Grammatical Achievement (A Quasi Experiment Research in The Third Grade Students of MTsS 01 Darussalam Kepahiang). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Hariadi, Pajri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2021) The Factors Of Student’s Communication Apprehension in English Tadris Study Program. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Utami, Ade gusrianti and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2020) “The Correlation Between Students’ Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation With English Achievement” (A Study at 8th Grade Sekolah Kreatif SMP ‘Aisyiyah Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Reynaldi, Reynaldi and Noviyenty, Leffi and Edy, Sarwo (2020) English Students’ Perception on The Utilization of Social Media Platform in Online Learning Classroom (A Descriptive study in English Tadris Study Program of IAIN Curup in the 2019-2020 academic year). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Putri, Mesi Irene and Noviyenty, Leffi and Edy, Sarwo (2020) The Influence of Mother Tongue Interference Toward Student in Pronunciation Ability (A Case Study All Grades Semester in English Study Program of IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Mujaddidah, Mutiara and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2020) Students’ Perception Towards Interaction Based on Flanders Interaction Analysis Categorize (Fiac) Theory Used By Teacher in English Subject (A Study at Eleventh Grade of MAN Rejang Lebong in Academic Year 2019-2020). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Meilinda, Sri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Apriani, Eka (2020) The Learning Strategies in English Subject of Islamic Study Program at IAIN Curup. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Wahyuni, Riski and Noviyenty, Leffi and Wulandary, Vipit (2019) English Teachers’ Problem in Assessing Students’ English Achievement Based on 2013 Curriculum at SMP 13 Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Arianto, Rafki Okta and Noviyenty, Leffi and Edy, Sarwo (2019) The Effect of Peer Feedback Through Instagram on Students’ Writing Recount Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at The Tenth Grade Students of SMA 4 Rejang Lebong in Academic Year 2018/2019). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Agustin, Heli and Noviyenty, Leffi and Utami, Henny septia (2019) An Analysis of Classroom Activities pursuant to Effective Techniques Teaching English in Integrated Vocational Schools. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

B, Khoiri and Noviyenty, Leffi and Edy, Sarwo (2019) Indonesian Teachers Technique in Teaching English at Chariyatham Suksa Foundation School, Chana, Songkhla, Thailand. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Azzahrah, Irah Khoiriyah and Noviyenty, Leffi and Edy, Sarwo (2019) A Pragmatics Analysis of Deixis in Surah Al-Baqarah Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Apriani, Sinta and Noviyenty, Leffi and Edy, Sarwo (2019) Analysis of Classroom Activities in Teaching Grammar in SMAN Curup in The Academic Year of 2016/2017. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Yunas, Hafizh Ramadhani and Noviyenty, Leffi and Apriani, Eka (2019) An Analysis of Students’ Quality in Translating Abstractof Scientific Writing (A Descriptive Quantitative Study In Sixth Semester of English Education Study Program Academic Years 2017/2018 At IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

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