Items where Author is "Anshori, Sakut"

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Number of items: 32.


Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Anshori, Sakut and Junita, Putri (2025) Self-Regulated Learning Strategies In Literal Reading Course (A Qualitative Descriptive Study). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Anjani, Adesia and Anshori, Sakut and Fauziah, Meli (2024) An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts in Enola Holmes Movie (2022). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Anshori, Sakut and Pane, Sanusi (2024) Exploring Student’s Willingness To Communicate In English Zone At English Tadris Study Program Iain Curup. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Puspitasari, Weni and Noviyenty, Leffi and Anshori, Sakut (2024) The Effect Of Online English Vocabulary Game Toward Learning English Vocabulary (A Quasi-experimental quantitative study the Tenth Grade Students at SMAN 01 Semende Darat Laut in academic year 2023/2024). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Bimantara Hutama Putra, Bima and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2024) Analysis Of English Teaching Strategies In Non-Formal Education Settings (A qualitative descriptive study at ESCO (English Students Community) in Rejang Lebong). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Surwati, Merina and Prihantoro, Prihantoro and Anshori, Sakut (2024) Analysis of Students' Morphological Awareness in the Learning of English Reading Comprehension. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Hakim, Habib and Anshori, Sakut and Fauziah, Meli (2024) The Comparison Of Translations Product Using Chat Gpt And Google Translate In Translating Scientific Journal. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

MIFTAH, FARID and Anshori, Sakut and Septia Utami, Henny (2024) Students’ Attitude Of Intensive Reading For Vocabulary Enhancement (A Study of Sixth Semester Student of TBI IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Refnaldi, Muhammad and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2024) Teacher’s Effort To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (A Descriptive Qualitative Study at MTs Negeri 01 Kepahiang Academic Year of 2022-2023). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

Sari, Dilla Maya and Anshori, Sakut and Fauziah, Meli (2024) The analysis of slang in turning red movie ( A Study In Sociolingustic Perspective). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Khasanah, aprillia mutmainatun and Anshori, Sakut and Fauziah, Meli (2024) The Use of ChatGPT in Students’ Writing Task (A Descriptive Study of fifth semester students of English Tadris Study Program at IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Ramadhan Putra, Yongki and Anshori, Sakut and Prihantoro, Prihantoro (2024) Causes and Implications of Language Confusion Errors in Students Simultaneous Interpretation. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup.

Supriyadi, Supriyadi and Kusen, Kusen and Anshori, Sakut (2024) “Pengaruh Literasi Digital dan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Terhadap Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru PAI MTs Se-Kabupaten Kepahiang. Masters thesis, Pendidikan Agama Islam.

Ilahi, Nasrul and Anshori, Sakut and Apriani, Eka (2024) Self Regulation Strategies of Junior High School Studentsin Learning English. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Curup.

Atiyah Nabilla, Rania and Anshori, Sakut and Fauziah, Meli (2024) Student’s Problem On Learning Speaking In Merdeka Curriculum Implementation At MAN Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Salsabila, Della and Anshori, Sakut and Fauziah, Meli (2024) Teachers’ Problem In Teaching ListeningAt Tenth Grade Students Of MAN 1 Rejang Lebong (A Study In Merdeka Curriculum Implementation). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Opelia, Rada and Anshori, Sakut and Fauziah, Meli (2024) The Teacher’s Strategy In Using Media At Eleventh Grade Of MAN 1 Rejang Lebong (A Study in Teaching English Vocabulary and Pronunciation). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Supriadi, Supriadi and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2020) Teachers’ Talk in Bilingual Classroom Interactions (A Descriptive Qualitative on 3rd Grade at SDUA Curup). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Robin, Robin and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2019) Teaching Degrees of Comparison Through Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI) Method to The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri Maur. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Sagitarius, Libero and Anshori, Sakut and Apriani, Eka (2019) The Effect of Lexical Approach Method Toward Students’ Achievement in Reading Recount Text (An Experimental Study at MTsN 2 Rejang Lebong, at Grade VIII in Academic Years 2017-2018). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Lumayanto, Dwi and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2019) Teachers’ Strategies to Promote Active Learning in Teaching English at SMAN 1 Rejang Lebong. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Alfianita, Riska and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2019) English Teachers Intructional Activity on MTs Tarbiyah Islamiyah Curup (A Descriptive Study in The Academic Year Of 2017-2018). Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Hidayat, Dika Rahmat and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2019) Providing A Positive English Learning Environment at Smpit Rabbi Radhiyya. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Diana, Listi and Anshori, Sakut and Apriani, Eka (2019) An Analysis of students’ Understanding Sense Devices in Several Songs lyrics of Maher Zains. Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.

Mayasari, Sinta and Anshori, Sakut and apriani, eka (2019) Students’ Perception of the Instructional Media Used by the English Lecturers in Speaking Class. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Mahyudi, Ahmad and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny Septia (2019) The Students’ Interest for Studying in English Tadris (A Study at English Department of IAIN Curup). Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Wulandari, Desi and Anshori, Sakut and Septia, Henny Utami (2018) An Analysis of Teacher’s Lesson Plan in Implementing Scientific Approach for Teaching English in 2013 Curriculum in MAN 2 Kepahiang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Nurlaili, Nurlaili and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2018) Students Strategies In Developing Writing Thesis (A Descriptive Qualitative Research in English Study Program of IAIN Curup). Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Mayaki, Meksike and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2018) Parallel Structure Errors Made By Students (Descriptive Quantitative Study on Eight Semester Student of English Department in Academic Year 2018 at IAIN Curup). Diploma thesis, IAIN CURUP.

Alanda, Alpin and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2018) An Analysis of Translators' Problems and Strategies in Translating Movie Subtitle (a Descriptive Qualitative at the Eight Semester Students of English Department of STAIN Curup Academic year 2013/2014). Diploma thesis, IAIN Curup.

Syaputra, Trianto and Anshori, Sakut and Edy, Sarwo (2018) An Analysis on Indonesian Translated Collocations of Stephenie Meyer’s Novel “Twilight”. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

Syahfandi, M. Haviz Tio and Anshori, Sakut and Utami, Henny septia (2018) Students’ Ability And Problems In Pronouncing English Fricative At Stain Curup; A Descriptive Quantitative research at the seventh Semester Students of English Departmet Study of STAIN Curup Academic Year 2016/2017. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

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