Saputra, Lubis
An Analysis Of Classroom Interaction In Learning English (At Second Semester Students Of Islamic Study Program IAIN Curup).
Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.
Lubis saputra, An Analysis of Classroom Interaction in Learning English at Second Semester Students of Islamic Study Program in IAIN Curup. According to phenomenon, researcher found that many students of nonEnglish program found difficulties in learning English. The difficulties may come in vary, it could be the teacher strategy, or interaction. In this research, the researcher wrote the thesis with the line of the tittle “An Analysis of Classroom Interaction in Learning English at Second Semester Students of Islamic Study Program in IAIN Curup”. The research has been taken in Islamic Study Program at 2nd grade of Islamic Study Program. The research used descriptive qualitative as the methodologhy of research, where the researcher described the whole interaction activity in the classroom. The researcher also used the cluster sample where the object of the research is only taken for 20%, in this case, the object consist of 30 students of Islamic Study Program. After doing the research for 2 months, the researcher found that : The class interaction which held in the English class run effectively. But, many students who did not understand English fell that the interaction did not run very well. In fact, it was run very well from the side of the lecturer, and did not run very well from the side of students
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