Afero, Rama
Teaching And Learning Analysis In Comprehending Implied Information Of Reading Text (Descriptive Study At SMA N 01 Lebong Selatan, At Grade Xi In The Academic Years 2016-2017).
Sarjana thesis, IAIN Curup.
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This research investigated the analysis of teaching and learning in comprehending implied information of reading text in Senior High School number 01 Lebong Selatan at grade eleven. based on the phenomenon that I get students are still difficulties in understanding implied information in the text reading, so what are the strategies that teachers use such as asking questions, making connections, and think aloud in teaching implied information is appropriate. This research is descriptive study research that Qualitative research. this research is the whole student at grade XI of Senior High School Number 01 Lebong Selatan and there is also English teacher that I also interviewed. In collecting the data, the researcher relies on the observation and interviewed. Observation is where I do direct observation to the school why there are still students who have not understood implied information when the teacher has explained well. After doing the Observation I conducted an interview to four English teachers about the strategies used in teaching implied information. From the results of interviews with teachers I get the results teachers have explained well and also use the strategies that already exist in teaching implied information. After that I also interviewed students about what difficultie s experienced when learning impli ed information. The students answered we still having difficulty in understanding the new vocabulary, there that when we answer the question of implied information we still have many wrong and not fully understand the purpose of the text. However, the result of the research shows that teachers have used existing strategies when teaching implied information, but there are still some students who have not fully understood imlpied information because students have difficulty understanding new vocabulary in reading text.
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