Students’ Attitude Of Intensive Reading For Vocabulary Enhancement (A Study of Sixth Semester Student of TBI IAIN Curup)

MIFTAH, FARID and Anshori, Sakut and Septia Utami, Henny (2024) Students’ Attitude Of Intensive Reading For Vocabulary Enhancement (A Study of Sixth Semester Student of TBI IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI CURUP.

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ABSTRACT This thesis aims to determine students' attitudes towards intensive reading in the IAIN Curup English Study Program. This research is a quantitative method research which is presented descriptively to describe it. Sixth semester students of the English study program who studied using intensive reading strategies in the CCU class of 2023 academic year became respondent in this research. Researchers used questionnaires to obtain the data. In data analysis, researchers first identify and examine the data collected. After that, the researcher described all the data obtained. Next, the researcher classifies the data into categories based on the research instruments where used the ABC models of attitude theory from eagly and chaiken to construct the item of questioner in the instrument and finally interprets the data obtained. The findings revealed that in students' attitudes. Students' attitudes towards the intensive strategy were good. The average Percentage of each component of attitudes show that 65,21% was in the affective component with the highest percentage of item responses indicating that students feel happy and that intensive reading can increase their awareness of the importance of vocabulary. The behavioral compenent of attitude reach 73,51% total average percentage where show the habits that emerge after following intensive reading in the class with the highest percentage of item responses indicating that intensive reading enhances their attentiveness when reading texts in daily life, not only to obtain information but also to acquire new vocabulary, and 79,04% in total average percentage in cognitive component of the attitude where it consist of the beliefs throught the implementation of intensive reading with the highest percentage of item responses indicating that intensive reading has become a good option for them to enhance knowledge both nationally and internationally in order to enrich their vocabulary . Based on the indicator of attitude where 10-50% total average show negative attitude ,while 60-100% total average show positive attitude trend. It can be concluded that based on the result of the total average above, most of students show a positive attitude. Keywords: Attitude, intensive reading, and vocabulary enhancement

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Septia Utami,
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: akun10 akun10
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2024 07:21
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2024 08:18

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