Lecturers’ Teaching Technique To Increase Students’ Self-Efficacy In Speaking Class (A Descriptive Research at the English Study Program IAIN Curup)

Astari, Rahayu and Hidayah, Jumatul and Edy, Sarwo (2023) Lecturers’ Teaching Technique To Increase Students’ Self-Efficacy In Speaking Class (A Descriptive Research at the English Study Program IAIN Curup). Sarjana thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup.

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ABSTRACT Rahayu Astari 2023 : Lecturers Teaching Techniques to Increas Students Self-efficacy in Speaking Class Advisor : Jumatul Hidayah, M.Pd. Co-advisor : Sarwo Edy, M.Pd. This qualitative descriptive study aims to investigate the implementation of teaching techniques used by the Lecturers’ to increase students' self-efficacy in the speaking class and explore student opinion regarding these techniques. The research was conducted at TBI IAIN Curup using a qualitative descriptive design. The subjects of this research are speaking Lecturers and students who are being taught by those lecturers, 2nd and 4th semesters students of the academic year 2022/2023. Observation checklists and interview guidance were utilized as data collection instruments. In analysis data, the steps were: data managing, reading, describing, classifying and interpreting. Four techniques have been identified: communicative activities (pair and group work), interactive games, real-life topics, and authentic materials. From the research findings, it is evident that the lecturers have implemented the techniques effectively. The implementations are: 1) Interactive Games: include group division, providing clear game instructions, and giving constructive feedback; 2) Communicative activities (pair and group work): involve forming pairs or groups, assigning relevant communicative tasks, and facilitating interaction and collaboration among students; 3) Real-life topics or Solving Dilemma: selecting relevant and thought-provoking scenarios that reflect real-world situations, encouraged students to discuss and analyze the dilemmas, propose solutions; 4) Authentic materials: give the material such as videos or picture that reflect authentic language. Studying the relationship between lecturer's teaching techniques and students' self-efficacy can have practical implications for language learning and teaching. Also by make this research, it can help improve language learners' outcomes and provide insights into effective instructional practices for language educators. Keywords: Teaching Techniques, Self-Efficacy, Communicative Activities, Interactive Games, Real-Life Topics, Authentic Materials.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Astari, Rahayurahayuastari27@gmail.com
Hidayah, Jumatuljumatulhidayah@iaincurup.ac.id
Edy, Sarwoedysarwo@iaincurup.ac.id
Subjects: L Education
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: akun1 akun1
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2023 08:07
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2023 08:07
URI: http://e-theses.iaincurup.ac.id/id/eprint/5060

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